CTMC-2024 | Abu Dhabi, UAE ( 7 ~ 8 Nov 2024 ) | info@ctmc.tech

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CTMC 2024 - Abu Dhabi ( 7 ~ 8 Nov 2024 )

CTMC (Custody Transfer Measurement Conference) is a premier platform that offers valuable opportunities for all stakeholders in the custody transfer and flow measurement industry. Our conference is designed to enhance knowledge sharing and discussion of new techniques while providing companies active in this field with direct access to primary stakeholders. These stakeholders are involved in detailing upcoming project plans, budget allocations, timelines, technical challenges, and business opportunities.

By maintaining a significant presence in each industry and geographical market, our events leverage the latest insights to ensure they remain relevant and practical in today’s dynamic business environment.

We extend our invitation for you to join us in Abu Dhabi and witness firsthand the innovative solutions we have to offer!

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  • Future Trends in Custody Transfer and Flow Measurement
  • The Role of Custody Transfer in the Energy Transition
  • Innovations in Metrology: Transforming the Industry
  • Navigating Regulatory Challenges in Flow Measurement
  • International Collaboration for Standardization in Custody Transfer
  • Digitalization and Data Security in Flow Measurement
  • Evolving Role of Calibration Labs in Custody Transfer Assurance
  • Resilience in Custody Transfer: Lessons from Recent Disruptions
  • Global Supply Chain Challenges in Custody Transfer
  • Sustainability and Custody Transfer: A Holistic Approach
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Custody Transfer
  • Navigating Regulatory Challenges in Flow Measurement
Bright Transparent Glare.  Decoration, Bright Flash
Technical electronic innovation, creative, idea
  • Advancements in Flow Measurement Technologies
  • Multiphase Flow Metering: Challenges and Innovations
  • Next-Generation Custody Transfer Metering Skids
  • Impact of IoT on Custody Transfer Instrumentation
  • Digitalization in Flow Measurement and Meter Calibration
  • Innovations in Ultrasonic Flow Metering for Custody Transfer
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Calibration
  • Flow Measurement Challenges in LNG Custody Transfer
  • Integrating Renewable Energy Measurements in Custody Transfer
  • Advances in Prover Technologies for Meter Calibration


  • Nanotechnology in Flow Measurement
  • Best Practices in Gas Chromatography for Hydrocarbon Analysis
  • Custody Transfer in the Era of Hydrogen Economy
  • Ensuring Accuracy in Low-Flow Custody Transfer
  • Applications of Machine Learning in Flow Metering
  • Optimizing Performance of Coriolis Flow Meters
  • Challenges and Solutions in Subsea Custody Transfer
  • Integration of Drones in Flow Meter Inspection and Calibration
  • Sustainable Practices in Custody Transfer Instrumentation
  • Cybersecurity Considerations in Custody Transfer
Bright Transparent Glare.  Decoration, Bright Flash


Explore CTMC 2023 Presentations and Articles!

Dive deeper into the world of custody transfer and flow measurement. Gain valuable insights from the presentations and articles shared during CTMC 2023. Whether you missed a session or want to revisit critical discussions, all the resources are just a click away.

Stay informed, stay ahead. Explore the knowledge hub now!

Access CTMC 2023 Presentations and Articles

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CTMC will be a platform that provides opportunities for all stakeholders in the custody transfer and flow measurement industry to broaden their knowledge and discuss new techniques, as well as providing an opportunity for companies active in this field to gain direct access to primary stakeholders involved in detailing upcoming project plans, budget allocations, timelines, technical challenges and opportunities for your business.

Governmental entities, National and International Oil Companies, International Service Providers, and Engineering, Procurement & Construction companies are the target audience of CTMC.

CTMC is the most prestigious event in the field of metering and custody transfer. The event aims to provide a platform for networking among stakeholders, sharing best practices, identifying new business opportunities and forming collaborations with potential partners

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Call for Papers and Speakers!

Are you passionate about custody transfer and flow measurement? Do you have insights, research, or experiences that the industry needs to hear?

Submit Your Paper or Register as a Speaker!

Fill out the form below and let your voice be heard at CTMC 2024. We're looking for thought leaders, innovators, and experts to contribute to the vibrant discussions and presentations.

Speaker Submission Form

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Don't miss this opportunity to share your knowledge and be a part of the future of custody transfer and flow measurement!

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#CTMC2024 #CallForSpeakers #FlowMeasurement #CustodyTransfer #Innovation

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Call directly:

+1 ( 801 ) 600 6176 | +44 7949 330 226

+97 (1) 50 232 9559


Sofitel, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Event Schedule

  • 07 nOV: FROM 12 TO 21
  • 08 nOV: FROM 9 TO 6 pm
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Quick Links

  • Agenda
  • Sponsorship